CEIP Community.
We are a Learning Community. The Learning Communities are an organizational and methodological proposal that understands education as the participation of the entire community and is specified in all educational spaces, including the classroom. It is based on the coordinated action of all the educational agents in a given environment, each one with their culture, their knowledge, their vision of the world... that they contribute and share with the rest.
To get to know our community better, we present the following video:
In our center we give great importance to communication between people, since through this the main learning is given, we express our emotions, we transmit our needs and we resolve conflicts. For this reason, in order to improve coexistence between members of the community both inside and outside the educational center, we present the Dialogical Conflict Prevention and Resolution Model that all members of the CEIP Community use, based on dialogical communication and consensus.

Redes Sociales